The Donald Trump movie The Apprentice was revealed at Cannes and was a stunner.

It's a drama about the rise of Trump in the '70s,'80s and beyond, starring Sebastian Stan as the former president. The film also features Jeremy Strong (Roy Cohn), Martin Donovan (Fred Trump Sr.), and Maria Bakalova (Ivana Trump). It was directed by Ali Abbasi, a famed Iranian-Danish filmmaker.

The film was highly anticipated. THR reported that a ton of chatter and curiosity surrounded this film in France at the festival. Before Cannes, it wasn't seen by hardly anyone and was finished just days before its premiere.

About The Apprentice

It sounds as though the movie is quite shocking.

There is a scene that depicts Trump's rape of Ivana, his first wife. Also, a point in the film depicting Donald getting liposuction “drew audible gasps from the Cannes premiere crowd,” THR stated.

After the screening, Abbasi hugged his cast members, and the crowd cheered and clapped for around eight minutes.

“The storm is not going to get away,” the director said. “The storm is coming. Actually, the worst times are to come. But you can pretend it's not here. You can also deal with it.”

He explained why he'd want to tackle a person like Trump: “There is no nice metaphorical way to deal with the rising wave of fascism. There's only the messy way. There's only the banal way. There's only the way of dealing with this wave on its own terms, at its own level and it's not going to be pretty, but I think the problem with the world is that the good people have been quiet for too long. So, I think it's time to make movies relevant. It's time to make movies political again.”

Deadline reported that the movie is not about the reality TV series of the same name that Trump was a part of.  Instead, it mostly focuses on the unique relationship with his lawyer, Roy Cohn. They become an “odd couple” and help each other with their goals. Also, the movie is about the pre-MAGA political Trump, who is driven and awkward and seeks approval from his father, who is known for his tough love. Cohn gives him three golden rules he lives by: Attack, attack, attack. Also, admit nothing, deny everything. Finally, always claim victory and never admit defeat.

In the film, Cohn tells Trump, “Everyone wants to suck a winner's c—k.” Also, he said, “You have to be willing to do anything to anyone in order to win.”

There's also a look at Trump's personal life as he pursues Ivana for a date, which she refuses several times until she's worn out on his pursuit.

Currently, The Apprentice does not have a U.S. distributor set, although it's sold to StudioCanal for the U.K. and Ireland, where it'll be released sometime in 2024.