An adaptation of Michael Mann's Heat 2 novel is inevitable, but the Ferrari director is too busy to think about it.

At the age of 80, Mann is no spring chicken. The time for a Heat 2 film is ticking, but he's not in any rush.

“The thing is, I don’t think about mortality. I’m busy. What good would it do me? If I absolutely had to make Heat 2, I wouldn’t have got lost in this beautiful story of Ferrari. And I took two years to write a novel.” he told Variety. “Fortunately, it became a New York Times No. 1 bestseller.”

He continued, “The things I’m into are things that fascinate me and keep me moving forward.”

He concluded, “Don’t misunderstand,” he said. “I want to make it [Heat 2]. But if I don’t, I won’t be incomplete.”

We'll see what happens with Heat 2. Mann wrote the novel, which was released last summer 27 years after the 1995 heist classic. The novel took the Godfather Part II approach and served as a prequel to Neil McCauley's story while continuing Vincent Hanna's.

Heat starred Robert De Niro and Al Pacino. It served as the first time the iconic actors ever shared the screen. A film adaptation of the sequel/prequel novel is in the works, with Adam Driver being rumored to star as a young Neil McCauley (the role De Niro played in the 1995 film).

Michael Mann is getting set to premiere his latest film, Ferrari, starring Driver, at the Venice Film Festival. The Neon film will be released in theaters on Christmas Day later this year.